The Joys of Bipolar Disorder


Well, I’ve been running low on my medications, so I’ve been rationing, taking my dose every other day.  The result?  Not so good…

Today has been a great day so far, but yesterday was pure Hell.  The worst part of withdrawing from Effexor for me is the VIVID nightmares!  They seem so much like reality at the time, and I wake up completely exhausted.

Also, instead of the steady stream of depression that I usually find myself in, I’ve had hypomanic episodes, which at first feel very refreshing, but I find myself in trouble once I come back down to my normal depressed self.  For example, I spent far too much money on music refills and loops for my DAW, and I’m suffering from financial issues as a result.

I do hope I can get my medication situation straightened out soon!  But I have learned one thing after suffering from severe depression for several years:  It is a temporary episode, and I will have better days if I wait long enough.  Today is an example of a great day.  I’ve worked on music at Kompoz and now am updating my blog for the first time in a month.

I hope to update this blog again soon regarding my music – I now have a song on a CD that will be released later in the month.  And I have an opportunity to have another song recorded for another CD.

If only I could be functional and productive every day instead of just passing phases, I would be able to get back on my feet and hopefully stay there!  Maybe in time…

If you have bipolar disorder, please feel free to comment with your experiences.  Let me know if you want me to post them publically or not.

Best wishes to all!