In Need of Student Loans (or How to Put Yourself in Serious Debt)

Greetings again!

Well, I found out that grants alone are not enough to get me through college, so I had to…  SIGH…  Apply for student loans.  In the end, I will owe approximately $40,000 when I graduate.

While I know I need this education to advance my career, I have to admit that I’m rather nervous and fearful.  I’ve never been in debt before, and with this economy, I pray I am able to eventually get off disability and find a steady job in the field that I’m working towards.  This is a serious new chapter in my life:  It could be one of the greatest things I’ve ever accomplished or one of the biggest financial mistakes of my life.

If you are in debt with student loans, please let me know how you are managing.  I need advice here!

Best wishes,