How to Keep Your Friendships Intact During the Election Cycle

"You voted for whom?!"

Let’s face it: politics can bring out the worst in people.  It’s such a volatile subject to discuss easily when people have such different opinions on who should be Commander-in-Chief.  After all, we are deciding on who is going to represent our country.

So you’re for Obama and he’s for McCain.  Now what?

Here are some suggestions to keep your friendships safe during the election years:

Discuss the Facts and Don’t Repeat Rhetoric

We live in a world of soundbites.  It’s easy to simply repeat the latest slogan, or worse, the latest insult about your friend’s candidate.  Nothing good will come from it – only anger and hurt feelings.  Instead, discuss why you’ve chosen your candidate and not why you didn’t choose the other.  Who knows?  A new understanding might come from it.

Find Common Ground

If you have a true friendship, you probably have quite a few things in common.  Look for the common ground between the two of you.  While it might not persuade your friend to come over to “your side,” at least a constructive dialogue may develop.

Don’t Try to Make Converts

Trying to change the other person’s mind regarding politics is about as easy as having him change his religion.  It’s simply not going to work.  And to make matters worse, it may drive a wedge between each other.

Agree to Disagree

Yes, it’s a cliche’, but there is still a lot of truth to it.  Sometimes the best route to take is to simply accept that your friend has different opinions, even if you don’t agree with them.  Of course, this doesn’t mean you must change your views to make harmony.  Just learn to appreciate your friendship over politics.

Best Yet: Don’t Discuss Politics

This is probably the best advice overall.  Why even discuss it when you know your friend doesn’t agree with you?  It may seem like a cop out, but instead just enjoy the subjects that you have in common.  Don’t let your friendships hinge on who he or she chooses for President.

We are social beings.  Friendships are such a important part of life.  It would be a shame to lose them over one aspect of life, even if it is as serious one as an election.  But just remember this: in four more years, we will be doing this all over again.  Hopefully your friendships will last a lifetime.