Chantix: An Update

Well, I’m out of
Chantix… And I’m smoking again! Sigh!

Still, I’m not smoking nearly as much or as often as I did before
taking Chantix – averaging about 2-3 cigarettes a day now – but
I’m afraid my habit will only grow again in time.

I have one more refill left, and I’m going to make the most of it.
I’m putting my foot down and refusing to smoke even one cigarette
while I’m taking the next (and last) month’s supply. Hopefully, I
will finally quit by the end of the last supply.

I know I have to take responsibility for my own health and cannot
blame anyone else for my decisions. That said, it’s hard to stay
quit when you are surrounded by other smokers. It’s almost like the
rule of other drug users: you need to stay away from temptations by
your friends and family. The environment plays a large role in
determining one’s success.

Cigarettes are the definitive love-hate relationship. I hate that I
love them and always feel guilty after smoking.

True, I’ve been under a lot of emotional stress lately, and it’s
better to smoke than deal with intoxication from alcohol or taking
heavier drugs like Oxycontin. But I know my heart and lungs are not
very understanding about the whole situation. Cancer is cancer, and
heart disease is heart disease after all.

Will I finally break the habit once and for all? I will be honest
with you and keep you informed of my success. If you are currently
trying to quit smoking, whether using Chantix or by some other means,
I wish you only the best of luck!

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