If Content Is King, My Blog Must Be the Queen

I love to write. It’s become a passion of mine. I don’t know how well I write: some say I’m doing fine, others seem confused by it. But I hope to continue writing and to improve with time.

But the hardest part I find is knowing what to write. I have a list of topics I want to share, but they need research before I present them to the public. While I would like to be entertaining, I do want to present the facts as best as I can.

Some things I think about are just too boring. Who wants to read about a cat… even a sweet, lovable one like I have?

Other topics I think of are just too silly, such as “Would You Prefer a Zombie Attack or a Robot Apocalypse?”

And other topics are a little too embarrassing, such as the time I went to South Carolina to see a woman I met over the Internet. (I have a sneaky suspicion that many would love to read about THAT post.)

One thing I don’t want to have is a blog listing all the problems and personal hells I’m going through. There seems to be a surplus of those around the net.

So I sit and ponder what subject I will present next. I’ve already told you my personal life in the “Surviving Mental Illness” series. And my Xanax-related series still seems to be a popular read.

Or I could just write about writing… like I just did with this post. There. I did my blog entry for today.

Maybe tomorrow I will actually write something with actual content. Today, consider this post as filler.

And if you are still reading to this point, I send you well wishes and will hope to have you visit my blog again soon.

One Response

  1. I would actually love to read and comment on a post about Zombies and Robots. The great thing about the Internet is that if you write about what you’re interested in, someone is sure to come along who is interested also!

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